Dialog di toko Baju (Clothes Shop)

B    : Asslamulaikum ...

S    : Walaikumsalam, Hello .. welcome to (Zian Fashion) shop 

      : What can I do for you Madam?

B   : I would like to look some veils of Rabbani production

S    : What size Madam?

B   : For me & for my daughter Size M & XL

S   : Okay, wait a minute Madam, 

     : Here you are 

  : I want black & white , black for me and white for my daughter 

S    : Here you are Madam

B   : How much is this? / how much are these? 

S   : The black one is Rp. 150.000 and the white one is Rp. 110.000

B   : Here it is

S   : Thank you so much Madam, what else / any else ?

B   : Do you have Rabbani shirt?

S   : Yes, I have / yes, we have

B   : Do you have Rabbani robe?

S   : Yes, I have /  yes, we have 

B   : Do you have Sarong of Rabbani?

S   : Yes, I have / yes I have, do you want it? 

B   : Hehe, no sorry, not now Insyaallah I'll (I will) be back someday

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