Hari Pendidikan Nasional (2 Mei 2021)


To all education faculty students in all campus in Indramayu

To all the young teachers 

and to all the candidate of teachers of Indramayu

I have to say something to you all on this national education day

Indonesia so needs you:

the teachers that understanding the art of teaching 

like as : How to implement the kind of learning method

Using the kind of learning media 

and all of about the art teaching

The teachers that always efforts to know the kind of character of students

The teachers that understand the types of intelligence in students 

We have to stand tall in this digital era, what easy to take the knowledge and information to improve us

We are the agent of changing 

Indonesia needs our idea 

Indonesia needs our creativity

People will not ask for about our campus

but they look at to our dedications 

Segeran, 2 Mei 2021

Dev. Mulani

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